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Wednesday, October 14, 2009
My new @myspace.com email address
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Can I Use Coaching Techniques And Still Be An Effective Professional Career Counselor?
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Re: Final and Final Review
You must also analyze five exam questions and explain why the right answer is right and why the other answers are wrong.
Sometimes every answer has a bit of truth to it. When taking a multiple choice test eliminate obvious wrong answers, then prioritize the remaining answers to find the best alternative.
For example,
Jamie wants to take her junior year of college to find herself. Jamie is in which one of Marcia's stages?
moratorium c. foreclosureb.
achievement d. diffusion
Diffusion is defined as having few clear ideas of what one wants and not being concerned about the future. We cannot guess from the question stem that Jenny is in Diffusion and Diffusion usually prevents a person from taking the actions necessary to get to college and go two years.
Foreclosure is defined as making a choice, often based on family tradition, without exploring other options. We cannot guess from the question stem that Jenny is in Foreclosure, because it does not say anything about her family's input.
Achievement is defined as knowing what one wants and making plans to attain an occupational goal. It is unlikely that Jenny wants to make a career of finding herself.
Moratorium is defined as a time, often more than several months, in which one explores options while wanting a direction, but not having one.
Because Jenny is a junior in college who wants to take a specific amount of time from school to find her self, the best answer is Moratorium.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Vocational Card Sort
Friday, March 20, 2009
MBTI and Strong
Our graduate director has stated that it will not be possible for those of you wanting to use these tests with your client to do so.
Please use the Keirsey Temperament Sorter 2 (http://www.keirsey.com/) if you would like to incorporate a personality test into your assignment.
You can use O*NET for a skills assessment (http://online.onetcenter.org/skills/)
You can test interests with this one (http://cte.ed.gov/acrn/cdmt/activities/CodingInterests.pdf) OR use the attached assessment from Kuder.
Of course, you can just do the three assessments on missouri connections to satisfy the requirements of the assignment.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Fwd: Need your help in building better communications, expanding our membership, and recruiting you to become active in CSJ
This is one of the divisions of the ACA that I belong to. I know several of you have expressed an interest in this organization.
I am writing to you as the Chair of the CSJ Membership Committee and President-elect of CSJ. There are three points presented below that I am asking you to help me with.
First, the Membership Committee want so help build better communication systems with our members. To do this we want to invite ALL the members on our membership lists to be added to the CSJ Listserve. This list serve provides our membership with information and discussions related to a broad range of social justice and professional issues. If you are not yet included on the CSJ list serve and would like to be included in this important communication system, please reply to this email by hitting the "reply to all" icon so Dr. Edil Torres Rivera will receive your email expressing your desire to be included in the list serve. Dr. Torres Rivera has coordinated the list serve for several years. We are grateful for his willingness to continue to do so. We hope to have 99% of our members on the list serve to foster better communication with our membership. If you are already on the CSJ list serve, you do NOT have to respond to this request.
Second, in an effort to expand our membership in CSJ, the Membership Committee is launching a membership drive. You can help us with this important project by personally recruiting at least one (1) person who will sign up as a new CSJ member in the next 30 days. I am providing the link to the ACA membership services below that can be used to have new members sign up. Also, we hope to change the current policy that requires all CSJ members to have to also become a member of ACA in our business meeting at the ACA conference later this month in Charlotte, North Carolina.
The link to ACA's membership services is as follows:
Third, as the President-elect of CSJ, I want to recruit you into becoming more active members in our association. The success of our association is dependent on your willingness to volunteer to committees and tasks forces that are in need of your help as well as suggesting the ways that you are most interested in becoming active in CSJ.Please email me and let me know if you are interested in becoming more active in CSJ in the coming year and what area of interest you would be willing to participate in.
Thank you for your continued support of CSJ. I look forward to hearing from you when time allows.
In peace and with appreciation,
Michael D'Andrea
CSJ President-elect
Membership Committee Chair